Online Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Lessons® Wednesday 10am-11am PST Thursday 5:00-6:00pm PST ATM Lessons are given online, using the free ZOOM APP for phone or laptop.
All you need is a device with a camera and microphone.
Set it up where you’d like to take the lesson, so that you are on camera.
You’ll receive a link via email prior to class. Click on the link to join.
It will take 2 minutes to download the Zoom app, which will appear after you click the link.
REGISTRATION please contact me if you wish to register for classes (see below) First two classes are complimentary $65 - unlimited classes each month, includes a recording all lessons (Learning increases exponentially by taking the same lesson twice in a row!) $60 - 4 lessons/month live attendance with recording $50 - 4 lessons/month recording only $100 - 5 class card expires 5 months from purchase. $25 single class drop-in.
Check to Karen Clay, 1600 S Main St, Seattle, WA 98144
Create a Venmo account. Link your account to a funding source: a bank account, debit card or credit card. Send Karen a payment: user name karenclaybiz. (last 4 of phone: 7046) Venmo will draw the purchase amount from the source you’ve linked to your Venmo account.
please contact me if you wish to register for classes by clicking below sign up to receive the weekly link to classes by replying here[email protected] _______________________________