Whether it is a massage table or a desk, we humans use our arms in front of our bodies. This foreword orientation demands intricate balance among the shoulder stabilizers, and adequate support from the spine and rib cage. Absent these crucial components what results is the depressed chest, forward head posture so causative in neck, shoulder and upper back pain. Discover ways to facilitate support for the shoulder girdle and to change the habits that cause pain. Somatic techniques address how shoulder patterns become habitual. They work directly with the nervous system to redirect our ability to undo the habitual pattern and function with more ease and support. Coupling Somatics with hands-on work exponentially increases the effectiveness of our bodywork, because the client is given tools to recognize and maintain change and to create new and better habits.
Learning experiences include:
Somatic movement to balance the muscle tone around the shoulder and create a neutral shoulder girdle in relation to the axial skeleton, resulting in reduced pain
Anatomy explorations of the shoulder girdle
Tools to awaken the shoulder stabilizers that support this neutrality
Applications of Somatic Movement Techniques to basic shoulder patterns
Methods to integrate the teaching of Somatic self-care techniques into your hands-on practice
Practitioner body mechanics--feel the difference in the effectiveness of your hands-on work when your strokes come from a stable and balanced shoulder yoke
What you learn can be applied to yourself and to your clients.
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