Structural Integration Series (SI)
Karen’s specialty is Structural Integration, a well crafted Series of Twelve Bodywork Sessions aimed at thorough alignment of the entire body in its facial web within the field of gravity. Myofascial tissues are separated, lengthened and repositioned to allow the bones to come into their natural, neutral alignment. As a result of this reorganization, the body achieves more length and spaciousness and can more easily adapt to and recover from demands. Posture becomes not a static position, but an on-going awareness of the much preferred ease of n e u t r a l a l i g n me n t. |
Office Hours/Rates Tuesday – Friday by appointment. Sessions are 90 minutes at a rate of $200 per session. Payment by cash or check. Structural Integration Series sessions run 2 hours/$230. To inquire about an appointment, click here or call 206.329.7046 |